
In this course, you’ll go step-by-step with a certified dog behavior consultant to improve your dog’s behavior. Whatever behavior problem your dog is experiencing, you can improve it by regularly practicing what you learn in this four-week training course.

The Four Basic Lessons

These four lessons, practiced regularly, will help you gain control over your dog, and they are fun to train! No pulling, yanking, yelling, pinching or nagging is required.

What you’ll need:

    • A computer with an internet connection.
    • A four-to-six foot cable with heavy-duty snaps on either end (see How to make your own tether (PDF), or purchase one on Amazon).
    • A six-foot leash and harness or non-metal collar.
    • A variety of treats your dog loves, such as hot dogs, chicken, cheese or liver treats. Check with your veterinarian if you’re not sure what kinds of food your dog can have.
    • Your dog’s regular kibble.
    • A food-dispensing toy (like a Kong) and fillings such as peanut butter, canned food, cream cheese; or chew treats such as bully sticks.

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